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Stalking the Blood Ruby

Jakob's day just turned deadly. Now he's on the run ...

One moment Jakob is thinking about how to convince his father to allow him to marry a local girl. The next, he is killing monsters he's only heard about in tall tales meant to scare naughty children. Ghoules and Draugrs are real.

To make matters worse, an old Magus entrusts Jakob with an ancient artifact and now he's on the run from a Skath intent on killing him to get the stone.

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a prelude to the tales of the territories

A Fate Worse Than Death

What’s a girl to do when she finds out her betrothed wants her dead? For Talia, it means kill or be killed.

Meet Talia Carlomin. She’s just days away from the future she’s always wanted. She is betrothed to a Lord of Roo’s Nest. A marriage that will confirm her family’s future, ensure the success of their business, and allow her to enjoy a life of power and privilege. There’s one problem. Her future husband wants her dead.

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A Prelude to The Tales of the Territories

The Diamond Thief

An impossible mission to save a Kingdom.

With defeat imminent, the ten strongest Magii rush to construct a magical barrier to prevent the Ghoules from conquering Caledonia; their only hope to save the Kingdom.

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A prelude to The Tales of Caledonia

Through the Knife's Edge

Can Rya and Rynlin stay alive long enough to warn the Kingdoms of the invading Dark Horde?

The Shadow Lord’s Dark Horde is descending upon the Kingdoms. Two Sylvan Warriors charged as scouts form a reluctant alliance in order to survive. Not only must they learn to work together to stay alive, but they also must confront Malachias, the warlock tasked with killing them.

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A prelude to The Sylvan Chronicles

Blood on the White Sand

Sold into slavery as a child, Bryen created a name for himself fighting on the white sand of the Pit. Now someone wants him dead. Will his latest challenge be his last?

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A prelude to The Tales of Caledonia